I don't "try" to nor "pretend" be anything other than what I am. I don't try to fit in or be cool or be deep or be spiritual, or be righteous nor attention do I seek. I just AM whatever I am, all the time and that only changes as I have new soul inspiring attitude adjusting ( albeit good or bad) experiences that encourage growth or evolution.
I am love wrapped in flesh.
I am spirit.
I am observant.
I am discerning.
I am positive energy.
I am straight forward (but gentle).
I am courteous.
I am reciprocal (w/o being prompted).
I am tough.
I am highly sensitive.
I am real.
I am honest.
I am introverted.
I am self propelled.
I am a giver.
I am still in touch with my inner gangsta and I will cut you (verbally or physically) in defense of myself.
I am reflective.
I am nurturing.
I am grounded.
I am appropriately apologetic.
I am consistent.
I am thankful.
I am always working to be the best me, even through the worst situations.
I am multifaceted with a complex inner working and beautiful mind with the drive and work ethic of an ox.
I am confident in myself and in my inner goddess who rules me ( 90% of the time 👀).
I was made and crafted this way. Some ppl value it, others take issue with it, some try to take advantage of it, some are intimidated by it ( or so I've been told), some side eye it...some ppl are rubbed wrong by it. but still I continue to walk in my truth and my power ( without crushing anyone else in the process). Im good with me. Wanna know abt me? Ask ME. No one else really knows ( but they think they do). #Idefineme
ASÉ Oooo! I Affirm all of this to be true! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Ase’ to that honey I AM