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Community Disaster Preparedness

Public·31 members

Im abt to take an inventory real quick of what I have here food and water wise and the type of 1 pot meals that can be made. Survivalists say you mininally need enough food and water for a week for everyone in your house hold including your pets. I gallon of water, per person, per day. Im looking at my Dry goods Canned goods Frozen goods Dehydrated goods Herbs Spices All veggies that are getting old, go into the dehydrator. Also, If the grocery stores have run out of water.. go get some 5 gallon jugs or 1 gallon jugs and go to the water stores to fill up. Also, dont forget abt the latin and Indian grocery stores for your needs. If you have a dehydrator you can prolong the life of your veggies by dehydrating them and rehydrating them later. If you dnt, you can dehydrate in the oven.. it just …

Greetings beautiful people! I'm so thankful for this. There's so many amazing resources here, thanks for having me :) I look forward to growing with you all... 💛

Sunshine silva
October 16, 2022 · joined the group.

Just a word of advice , especially to my fellow ladies . I understand wanting to be well and healthy in every area of our lives, But please be careful of some of the products you buy and consume in the name of “Health”. Root work/spells are a real thing and just like workers use materlistic mediums for their work , don’t for once think that everyone selling you products always have the purest of intentions. Then you’re wondering why your hair is falling out/won’t grow, skin breaking out, having Yoni issues,ect.

When you hear “Protect your peace/self preservation at all cost , that isn’t something to take lightly, It’s really entities that live among us whose sole purpose is to rob you of it .

Its a real war out here that can’t be seen with the human naked eye 👁


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© 2019 by Naz Khalid

Inner G Healing 
Ph: 725-444-0779
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